Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas 2008

Just a sample of the great Christmas we are having...

Friday, May 16, 2008

Tomorrow is Drew's last baseball game of the season. Time has really flown. We really aren't ready for the season to end. He has really learned a lot and his game has improved so much.

Last night was Open House at the kids' school. Their teachers really bragged on them. I was able to spend most of the morning in Katelyn's class (got to teach some math and social studies and gave a dictation test). I haven't been in her class much this year, but it was good to be there yesterday. Both of the kids have such wonderful teachers - we are truly blessed!

Here is Drew at his drum lesson - He loves playing!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Once a Month (or so) Blogger

I got a new laptop and just put some pictures on it last night!

Drew had Field Day at school! Katelyn (and Dave) won First Place for speed in the AWANA Grand Prix! Dave and the kids set up the tent in the backyard and the kids spent the night out there.
Here are some pictures!

Field Day:

1st Place Trophy:


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My First Post

Thought I would create a blog - Love reading others and wanted a place to gather my thoughts and share with family and friends.

Stayed up way to late last night making an anniversary gift for Dave - an exploding box full of pictures of family for him to take to work. I forgot to take pictures - Maybe I'll get to soon.

We had a great week in Seattle! Here's my favorite photo from the week - taken from Kerry Viewpoint Park. It was a long hard walk straight uphill, but the view was worth it!